Sunday, August 5, 2012


I have never been more challenged in my faith than I am right now. Raising support is truly one of the most humbling experiences that I have ever had. I am slowly starting to understand the importance of raising support. I came to the realization last night that God desires for me to go through this process. I know that if He wanted all of my funds to come to me in an instant, then that is what would happen, but there is a process that He wants me to experience through all of this. He is teaching me that I need to continue to fully trust Him. I need to continue to trust that He is going to provide for Australia because this is where He has called me to go. I'm learning more and more about what it means when Christ says that we may have to leave our mother and father if that is how He is calling us to serve Him. Leaving home is going to be one of the most challenging things for me, but I know the plans that God has to use me are going to be wild and they are going to be great.
One of the most beautiful things about receiving support is the fact that every single person who supports me financially or through prayer really believes in the call that Christ has given me. I feel so honored and blessed to receive a letter back from someone because I know that they believe in me, which is one of the most encouraging things of all. 
Like I said, support raising is going. I have currently raised $2,650. I cannot believe that God has provided this much in only a 6 weeks time period. I do start to get nervous when I see this number and then realize that I still have a long way to go in the next 5 months to get to my goal of $15,000. But there is a beauty in waiting and persevering to reach this goal.
Please continue to pray that I will grow in faith, that Christ will continue to teach me what it means to surrender my desires over to Him. This is such a critical time in my walk with the Lord and I am truly loving every moment of learning more about Him and being grown in His likeness.
If you are interested in finding out more about what I am going to be doing in Australia, please check out my website, email me, or give me a call!

In Him, 
Kristen Hoffmeyer