Monday, May 20, 2013

May Update

To my faithful supporters,

I cannot believe that May is almost over. This month has been full of classes, assessments & work. I am so thankful & quite ready for our mid-semester break next week! I also have the joy of welcoming my parents to Australia on Thursday. This has been a long awaited trip and it couldn't come at a more perfect time. 

This past month has been full of surprises, blessings, hardships, faith challenges, and opportunities.  Ryan & I are starting to understand what it means to truly walk by faith during this season of our lives. As I mentioned school this month has been full on! Even though it has been a lot of work, the material that we have covered has been critical for this season of life. One of our assessments that we had due this past week was a goal setting portfolio. This was one of the best things to do. It challenged us to create our own personal mission statement, core values, and to plan out long-term goals, short-term goals, and now goals. I was reminded of the verse in Habakkuk 2:2-3  "Write the vision: make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end-it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay." This section of scripture reminded me of the importance of writing out my dreams and visions because if it is something that God has placed in my heart then the time will surely come & I can hold fast to the promises given to me. So, my visions, goals, and dreams are wrote down & I am expectant that they will come. In my public speaking class I just finished giving my first ever mini-sermon. It was such an amazing experience & I walked away feeling that God told me, "Kristen, get ready for this, your destiny has just begun." I do not take those words lightly and cannot even imagine what God is training me to do!

My SHINE class has been going well. I feel that I am finally starting to reach a break-through with my 7th grade girls. It has taken a few weeks to break down walls. During this season God is reminding me that this is my training ground. Everything that I am experiencing right now is training for the future. This is one program that I cannot wait to bring to Cambodia as it emphasizes worth, value, and empowerment among women.  

Ryan & I have both been given the opportunity to be on our chapel key team. This is a group of 10 students that are selected out of our intake who will be running our first year chapel next semester. This is such an honor to be a part of. We just had our first meeting the other day and I walked away saying, "Okay God, this is what I have been waiting for. I've been waiting for this opportunity and now it is here!" I believe that by learning how to run a chapel service that it is only going to continue to equip Ryan & I for where our future may bring us.

Finally, Cambodia. I cannot thank each of you enough for your prayers, finances and most importantly donations. WOW. I was completely blown away by the amount of support that we received. My parents are brining over two 50lb. pieces of luggage that is full of HUNDREDS of hygiene items. We are so thankful for all that each of you do to back up our vision. I cannot wait to bundle together and wrap up each of these items and bless the people that we meet. Thank-you from the bottom of our hearts, we would not be able to do this without you. Human trafficking has come up in countless conversation lately & I know that God is starting to stir in the hearts of many to becoming the answers to individuals prayers. When I think about what a global issue that human trafficking is I get overwhelmed, but as soon as I remind myself that we have the opportunity to answer one girls prayers this season of life instantly is worth it. My heart & vision is to return to Cambodia to rescue children from human trafficking & to share with them their value and worth. Thank-you for allowing me to be in Australia for this season of my life. Each day I am being trained, stretched & equipped to go out into the world & be a messenger for our heavenly Father. 

As always, your prayers & support mean the world to me. Each day I remind myself that I would not be experiencing all of this if it wasn't for your commitment to the vision that God has instilled on my life. If you would like to continue to support me while I am in Australia I have attached a link to my PayPal account on the right hand side. Every donation is greatly appreciated & handled with the utmost care as I understand what a sacrifice that it is for each of you to support me. Each day I realize that I am being trained an equipped to fulfill the future that God has set out for Ryan & I.  Thank-you for all that you do to allow me to be here. I know that there is so much to come this next month & I cannot wait to share it with each of you, my faithful supporters, my family, and my dear friends. Until then - keep being a light of Christ to those around you like you've done for me. Your lights are shinning brightly & the world needs to see YOU. 

In Him,
Kristen Hoffmeyer