Friday, November 22, 2013

Our Final Australia Update

Our incredible supporters,

We have reached our final 11 days in Australia. It is surreal to think that in two weeks we will be boarding a plane to head back to America. As our departure date gets closer, our reflection of this past year at Hillsong continues to take over our thoughts. First, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the support that each of you have sown into us. We didn't know how God was going to keep us here for the entire year, but He did through you. We hope that you will understand the impact you've had on our lives. We have learned what sacrificial giving looks like from your continued prayers and giving of your finances. Our time at Hillsong wouldn't have been possible without you and we sincerely thank you. We couldn't be more humbled and grateful that you made an intentional decision to sow into our year of unforgettable growth in ministry.

As we reflect on this past year at Hillsong College, we have completed over 489 hours of class time. This is separate from time in chapels, serving during the week or weekend, various meetings, and conferences. When we think about each hour spent in this college and in this ministry, there's no way drastic change wouldn't occur! Then when you add the Holy Spirit moving in us, the growth was astronomical! Our confidence in Christ has grown, our knowledge of the bible has strengthened, our love for the Church has made a permanent home in our hearts, and our love for one another has been rebuilt on a solid foundation. 

Thinking about returning home is both exciting and frightening. We have so much to look forward to but also realize the importance of not getting caught up in our "old comfortable ways." Going back to a familiar place can be challenging, but in this case we are ready for the challenge. One thing that we have both been feeling in our Spirit's is that we have been living in a desert season, not in a bad way, but a season of preparation like Moses or Jesus in the wilderness. As satisfying and amazing as this season has been for us, we know that our mission field will begin full force once we step off the plane in America. We will see the fruit of what has actually changed in our hearts. We will be faced with the choice to either fight for what God has done in us this past year or fall into complacency. Thankfully, we believe that God has been preparing us for this. We have been going through a desert season for the past few months knowing that it was our time to have God build us up, know Him more, and become strengthened by His character. Once we get off the plane, our battle is before us. Our battle to be transparent to those around us, our battle to fight for our relationship that we've worked so hard on, a battle to keep our vision alive in moving to Cambodia, and our battle to encounter the Holy Spirit daily. Saying all this, we are more than ready to return home. We are beyond excited for what this next season will bring us and cannot wait to continue on this adventure of life that God has brought us on thus far. As Pastor Brian Houston always says, "The best is yet to come," and we fully believe that for this next season of our lives that statement holds truer than ever. 

We are so blessed to be heading home with such a clear vision on what God has called us to next. During this next year at home, we will begin raising support to become missionaries in Phnom Penh, Cambodia through a Christian organization called Compassionate Touch International (CTI). We are ecstatic about the opportunity to serve the people of Cambodia and cannot wait to share our vision with each of you. Our decision to partner with an organization was finalized after great prayer and consideration into what God specifically has asked us to do in Cambodia. Our goal is to make Jesus' name known to all of Cambodia by sharing His message of love in Phnom Penh. We believe that by partnering with CTI, we will be able to do this on a much greater scale than we could have ever imagined on our own. We are honored to be working with our dear friends, Daniel & Elizabeth Budzinski, the founders of CTI, as we begin our life in Cambodia. 

As the end of the year draws closer, we know that people consider giving tax-deductible donations to certain organizations of their choice. One of the benefits of partnering with CTI is that we are now able to receive donations that are tax-deductible! When you give either online or by check, just memo our names in and your donation will be directed towards our missions fund. (Click on the 'Donate' tab at We would love to sit down and share more of our vision with you, but wanted to pass on this information as the end of the year is drawing near. We will be sending out another email in the next few weeks with a more detailed vision of what we are going to be doing in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 

Our upcoming schedule is as follows: 
From December 4th-12th, we will be in San Bernardino, California and would love to come and visit with you and/or your local church. If you would like to set up a time to meet with us, please email us back and we will schedule appropriately. 

From December 14th-16th, we will be in Grayling, MI. 

From the 16th onward, we will be in the Grand Rapids area.

Thank you again for all that you have done for us. Coming to Hillsong Church, living out our dream, and fulfilling the call that Christ has placed on our lives would not have been possible without each of you. We appreciate all that you have sacrificed and sowed into our lives. Looking forward to catching up with each of you when we return to the States. Thank you!

All our love,

Ryan Cooper & Kristen Hoffmeyer