Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Power of Prayer

Mark 11:24 states, "Whatever we ask for in prayer, believe that we have received it and it shall be ours".  What a powerful statement that this is.  Whenever we come before God we have to believe that He will always supply our needs.  God has really shown this verse true to me as I have been preparing to go to Southeast Asia this summer.  God continues to amaze me as funds continue to come in.  When I found out that I had to raise $3,000 for a mission trip, I never knew how I would do this.  But with the support of family and friends I am now down to my last $550 to raise.  What a blessing that this is.  This experience of raising support has been crazy.  God has shown me to truly rely on Him and trust that He would provide for me.
Also while I've been preparing for this trip I've learned a lot about how we are called to GO.  We are called to go out and bring the gospel to all nations.  I believe that I was born into America, into a Christian family, into a life of comfort because I have been blessed to know the knowledge of God.  Now that I am aware of who God is and what He has done for all of us, it is my job to use my resources that I've been blessed with and GO to the nations and spread the gospel with them.  1 Chronicles 16:24 says, "Declare His glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all people."  It is up to us to share the love of God with others.  One thing that God has really convicted me of lately is, if I am not going to go out and tell others about who God is, then I need to be supporting those who are doing this.  While I go to Cambodia I don't want anything to keep me from telling everyone I meet about who this God is that I love so much.  I don't want to miss the opportunity for others to fall in love with God and to spend eternity with Him.
I know that through prayer that God will move.  I believe that I will have every amount of my fundraising met because this is where God has called me to go.  I thank each of you so much for you support financially and through prayer.  It means more to me then I can express.

If you are interested in donating or would like more information about my mission trip please go to: 

I will be updating this blog when I am overseas and the next few months leading up to my trip.  Please be in prayer for:

  • Safe travels.  We will be flying out of Detroit June 22nd and returning July 29th.
  • The financial needs to be meet for everyone on our trip.
  • For the transformation of heart to be made with the people that we will come in contact with.
  • For Children to be saved from the sex-trafficing industry.
  • That God takes down the language barrier.


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