Friday, June 3, 2011

19 Days!!

I cannot believe that this adventure is going to start in only 19 short days.
I cannot believe that I am about to travel thousands of miles to a country that I know so little about.
I cannot believe that I have raised every single dollar that I needed.
But... that is where God continues to tell me, "This is not something of your own doing, this is something that I have had set out and planned for you".  This is such comfort to my heart, knowing that this trip wouldn't have come together without God strategic planning. As the number of days until I depart continues to get smaller, I love the passages that God is having me read in order to get ready for this.  Something that I read today was exactly the comfort that I needed...
Romans 9:17 says, "For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth".  As many times as I have read over this verse it has never hit me like it has today.  It is such a comfort & an honor to know that Our God has raised each of us up for such a specific purpose, for such a specific plan... all to bring glory to His name.  & that is why we're called to GO out and share who Our God is.  This experience will be so much greater then I can even imagine but I know that God is working through every single detail, which is the greatest comfort of all.

I thank each of  you so much for the prayers that you are constantly saying for myself & our team that's going out.
I will continue to update this while I am over in Cambodia & am so excited to share this experience with you.

In Him,


  1. I am praying for you Kristen! I love you and know you will make an amazing difference wherever you go!

  2. PRAYING FOR YOU SISTER!!! I am so excited for you! have fun, be safe and watch God do amazing things through you!!! <3
