Thursday, August 4, 2011

Now that we're back home.

Besides the crazy sleep schedules that most of our bodies are on & going from with-drawls from not seeing any of my teammates being home has been really good for the most part.  It is awesome to share with so many people all of the amazing things that God did through us while we were over in Cambodia & Thailand.  It is awesome to process through the things that God taught us & to be reminded of how He showed up in our lives in such powerful ways.  I have loved sharing stories about our time in Southeast Asia but through doing that it has caused me to miss being over there so much more.  My heart truly aches when I think about not knowing when the time will come for when I'm suppose to go back.  I know that there is so much that God wants to teach me here, but I also know that being here is only temporal, which is hard to process.  But one huge thing that I learned on my trip was when you vision and purpose line up with Christ, then nothing can get in the way of the things that He is going to use you for.  I fully believe that as long as Christ makes my vision, as long as He is the one who is placing these desires on my heart, then I do not have anything to worry about because in the end my goal is to bring glory to God through everything that I do.  So, I don't know what these next few weeks, months, years will teach me but I've learned that with a God centered vision that I have nothing to fear.
I ask each of you to continue to pour your prayers out onto our team as many of us are having a difficult time adjusting back to American culture.  That you would continue to pray for the boys center that is opening up for services in September.  I know that God is going to use that building to bring light to His name.  Please be praying for the staff that we worked with in Cambodia and Thailand, that God would daily remind them that they are there doing His work & that they are being used daily.  And to be praying for funds to be raised for those who feel called to go back.  I know that from having to raise support for this trip that God will provide, but it is difficult sometimes to have to rely on God moving through others in order for you to go where you are called to go.
Thank-you each so much for your prayers, that is how we made it through our five weeks.  I know that God is going to continue to work through these prayers to bring glory to His name in such a broken area.   Here are a few pictures of some of the kids that we were able to work with & one of the towns that we spent time in...

Love, Kristen

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