Friday, July 22, 2011

Hello Thailand!!!

We have finally arrived to our final destination of our Lil southeast Asia trip. I can't believe how quickly that the time has gone and at the same time, I can't believe how much that I've learned these past four weeks! I'm so excited to take home so much knowledge and information that I've gained while being over here!
Leaving Cambodia was one of he hardest things that I've ever had to do. It was so much fun to be in siem reap for a few days and visit all of the temples, but so much of me just wanted to jump back on a bus back to phnom penh...
I fully believe that God is going to use Our time in Thailand to glorify Him but we won't be working with he ministry until Sunday, so we have the next few days to explore Bangkok!! We are going to be working with a college out reach ministry call grape vine. So it is going to be so amazing to work with other students our age who love God so much that they are willing to believe in Him when no one else around them does. I love that we are going to had his opportunity to learn and see what it truly means to be bold in your faith!! What an amazing thing for us to experience.
As I've continued to reflect on my time in Cambodia, I am so gratefully for the passions that God has places upon my heart and learn the things that he has been trying to teach me for so long now. I'm learning so much on opening up my heart to hose around me and trusting that god will give me the wisdom to share parts of my life with people who I can trust. I'm so thankful for God revealing to me that there was still so much that I was holding back from him just because I've been hurt or let down in the past. By me finally realizing this God has helped me line up my vision with his cause for my life! I'm so excited to see where it is that God wants to take me in the future, but I'm learning that there is a good chance that I will end up here. God is so faithful. Thank you so mug for all of your prayers. This trip wouldn't be the same without god speaking throuh so many of you into my life. I will forest be so grateful! But here we go, ready to start our last six days!!!! Let's SE what God has in store for us next!!!

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