Saturday, October 13, 2012

October Update

From Australia to Cambodia
"The righteous gives and does not hold back" Proverbs 21:26
I have been able to experience an overabundance of blessings these past six months as I have started on my journey of raising support to go to Australia.  While I have been going through this process of raising support God has been constantly clarifying the vision that He has given me. I am so excited to depart to Australia in January but am looking even more forward to heading back to Cambodia as soon as possible. 
I have currently raised $8,400, which means that I am nearing the end of my goal of $10,000. I wouldn't be at this point without the generous support that you have given me. I am incredibly thankful for each of you. 
As my departure date continues to get closer God continues to redefine the vision that He has given me. Through much prayer and seeking out of council, God has started to redirect the vision that He has given me. Currently I plan on attending Hillsong International Leadership College for one year to receive my certification in ministry. While I am at Hillsong I will be receiving over 720 hours of in depth structured learning time as well as 240 hours of practical ministry work experience. Once I conclude with my studies at Hillsong focusing on Pastoral Leadership and Social Justice I plan on returning to the states to focus on the ministry that Christ has placed on my heart to plant in Cambodia. I currently plan on moving to Cambodia the summer of 2015 to be fully emerged in the ministry that is planted there. 
I have recently been able to partner with my boyfriend's church (who is also attending Hillsong this January) who has provided a way for my supporters to receive a tax deductible donation. If you are interested in this option of receiving a tax right off, please contact me so we can make this possible.
As always, I will be keeping my blog as updated as possible leading up to my departure and while I am overseas. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and I would be in touch with you. Thank-you again so much for your support and partnering up with the vision that God has given me. 

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