Sunday, January 20, 2013

January Update

To may faithful supporters,

The countdown is finally over. I am finally in Sydney and it all seems so surreal.  I cannot comprehend God's faithfulness through this whole process. It is incredible to think that God placed going to Australia to study at Hillsong on my heart nearly a year and a half ago. I need to say thank-you for all of your support. I would not be here if it weren't for your prayers and financial contribution. I am so thankful to have so many people who believe in my vision for the future. You have no idea how encouraging that it is to know that back in the states there are countless people praying for what God wants me to do in Australia. 
As hard as it was leaving home, I know that this next year will grow me and stretch me in ways that I truly cannot comprehend. I experienced my first Sunday yesterday and needless to say, my mind was blown. Everyone told me that Sundays are unbelievable and I feel like unbelievable is an understatement. I feel so blessed to be here and have the opportunity to learn and minister here. God continues to bless me immensely. I was placed in the most beautiful college house that is fully furnished. I will be living with 9 other girls. Everyone that I meet is so friendly and so welcoming that it makes me feel at home already. I know that this is how the Spirit is moving and I couldn't be more thankful or blessed. 
Please continue to be in prayer for me as well as my family as this move to Australia is truly challenging.  Being someone who loves being at home as much as possible, I have no idea why Christ called me to study somewhere several time zones and a day away, but all I can do is sit back and trust that His plan is far greater than my own. It is times like this when I cannot allow fear to overrule my thoughts, but to hold every thought captive to Christ. I greatly encourage you to do the same. As we begin a new year there are so many opportunities for growth, change, and challenges. Take on each opportunity with the armor of  Christ on you knowing and believing that ALL things can be accomplished through Christ. 
As  have previously mentioned, I wouldn't be at Hillsong Church at this moment without each one of you. I would not have this opportunity to trust God with every part of me if it weren't for you believing in me and believing in the calling that Christ has placed on my heart. I will continue to keep you updated as much as possible. Thank-you for all that you have done for me, thank-you for the extra love that you are giving my family right now, and thank-you for believing in me. You all mean so much to me. 

In Him,
Kristen Hoffmeyer

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