Sunday, February 3, 2013


The first word that comes to my mind when I think about my time so far in Australia is honored.
I feel so honored to be here.
So honored to be stepping into a season of growth.
Honored to be a part of an incredible ministry & to grow from some of the most humble people.
I feel honored that God told me where I needed to go and provided me with supporters to get me here.

Each day I continue to say "Wow, this was the best day of my life" or "That was the best message I have ever heard" or "Wow God, you are so so faithful".  I sometimes have to take a step back and realize that this is real life! Prayers are being answered everyday, visions are being created, I'm being broken down to my very core, and classes haven't even begun! I have no idea what is in store for my first day of intensives tomorrow, but I know that if it is anything like orientation, it will be great. This week we have many different speakers and sessions Tuesday-Thursday 9-5 and Friday have a meet and greet with the staff. I cannot wait for classes to begin because as soon as they do we will figure out where we are serving each week which allows us to pour our heart and soul into this ministry and take away from it as much as possible.

Sunday started off Hillsong's "Vision Sunday". This is a three part event. The morning services we were able to watch an incredible video that brought us into the eyes of those around the world. The evening service held over 1,000 baptisms. And Tuesday night, Brian and Bobbie Houston (the lead pastors and founders of Hillsong) will share their heart and soul with us as they share the vision that God has given them for this next year. I am so expectant of what God is going to do and cannot wait to see the revival that comes this next year!

I would ask that you would be praying for a few specific things. Australia is a very beautiful (but very expensive) place to live. I'm praying for employment and the grace of my employer as I will have a very difficult schedule to work around.  Next, please be praying for Christ to be casting a vision for this next season in Ryan and I's lives.  It is crazy to think that we are only going to be here for a year, but we know that God will open up many MANY doors for what He desires us to do in the future. We actually had the opportunity to meet a couple who are two of our teachers that work with planning churches and water wells in Cambodia. It was such a blessing to meet them and I cannot wait to experience the wisdom & guidance that they will provide for us. Finally, please continue to pray that I can continue to be broken down by Christ. As I desire nothing more than to be stretched past my capability and grown to do all that I can for the kingdom.

Thank-you so much for all of your prayers and support. God is creating a year of revival & I fully believe that THIS year HE is going to make His name known to more people than ever before which means that as the body of Christ, we have a BIG year ahead of us!!!

In Him,

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