Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We're here!

What a different world that it is over here.
There are a few things that I am learning to cherish that are the same no matter where you are... a child's laugh will always be the same, they will always have the most precious smile... the kids make this brokenness livable.  I wouldn't be able to wake up every single day to see sex-trafficing take place right before my eyes if I couldn't experience this pure joy that these kids give out.
I've fallen in love with this community.  I might just come home with about 20 kids because I don't know how I am ever going to say good-bye to them. 
God is doing such crazy things in the midst to all of this poverty and hurt.  Until this trip I have never seen homes under water that people live in, I've never experienced so many children begging on the streets for money, I've never done a bible study/kids club in an old brothel where there is still a room that shows where young girls were tied down in order for people to come in and have sex with them.  This trip is showing me so much about unconditional love because that is what I'm seeing from these kids who are being so hurt physically and emotionally. 
Continue to pray for our team as we have to experience seeing these men with these beautiful women and children.  Pray that we are able to be fast workers as we are fixing up the most amazing boys center, continue to pray against satan's attacks as he is trying to work in our minds as much as God is showing us how great He is. 
Your prayers mean everything to us. 
xo Kristen Hoffmeyer


  1. Wow Kristen. We are praying for you! You are a LIGHT in a dark place!!!! I love you!!!

  2. Glory to God !!! It's awesome that God is doing His mighty work thru you guys. I'm Ryan Cooper's mom and please say hello to my son, tell him we all miss him so much. I copied your letter and sent to all of my friends and family so they could pray with us, too. May God bless each one of you and all the children, people there and may He fill you guys with His Spirit,Power and compassion.All of you are in our daily prayer.
    God bless you all ....
