Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I have never felt so much compassion in my heart for anything like I do for these children. We have been so blessed to be working with the most amazing ministry which really is teaching us what discipliship is suppose to look like. It is not necessarly about getting people saved quick but it is about building a relationship with god. The other day I hadthe opportunity to go out into the town and we were able to visit with one of my favorite little girls families. Her name is Srea Lin and as soon as I saw her she ran outside of her house, jumped up on me and wrapped her cute Lil legs around my waste. At that moment I knew that I would be back one day soon. There is just no way that I can say good bye to these kids and this ministry yet, if ever. God has given me compassion that I have never experienced before. I've been learning that vision generates excitement but cause generate power.. This trip is beyond words. I will be back and am so excited to continue to pray for the vision that god has in store for my life. Keep praying for this week as it is our last week in Cambodia. We will be headed to thailand on Monday to begin working with a college ministry. Also be praying for those on our team as leaving his country is bringing a lot of sadness. God is amazing all the glory and praise to him. Love, Kristen


  1. Praying for God to give you the eyes to see what he needs you to do while you are there..love you bunches. Aunt Shelly

  2. Hey Kristen! Sounds like things are going great over there! I heard that you called Stef and Jen, wished that you would have given me a call too. Can't wait to see you at home.

