Monday, July 18, 2011

Phnom Pehn---

This city has changed my life. 
Through everything that we've done God has shown up in such powerful ways.  We have seen the power of the Holy Spirit transform peoples lives.  Our lil theme song for our trip is "Greater things have yet to come, greater things have still to be done in this city" & through singing that and pouring prayer into the city of Phnom Pehn we are able to see how God has such greater things for this city. 
The conversations that we get to have have taught me about what it means to truly disciple someone. 
The unconditional love that these beautiful kids show us have taught me to not let past situations that have hurt me affect my future.
The amount of time that I've been able to spend with God has shown me that when you are constantly seeking out the Lord, He will show up in powerful ways.
The staff of the organization that we've been working with (Hard Places Community) have shown me what it means to live a bold radical lifestyle.
I've never felt the Holy Spirit move through conversations or the compassion that has been placed inside of my heart.
I've had the experience to wash kids who have probably never recieved a bath from someone, I've been able to see how a year long relationship with families have turned into giving their life to Christ, I've experienced what it truly means to have a VISON that is God centered and how He will do everything in His plan to make sure that His cause lines up with your plan. 
Phnom Pehn, I will be back, there is no way that after saying good-bye to you today that I could ever leave this place for long... I guess that means that God is changing my vision...more to come :)
Thank-you so much for all of your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kris, It is what God has intended for you and your life. Keeping you in prayer and loving how God is changing each of us through you. Hugs and Love Aunt Shelly
